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The general terms and conditions define the conditions of use of the website by potential visitors, customers or partners. By accessing and browsing this website, you agree to accept the Terms of Use described below.
Adaptive Management Software SRL will not transfer ownership of the software applications.
Adaptive Management Software SRL owns complete and full rights over the title and through it owns all copyrights and those patented locally or internationally. Thus, you do not have the right to redistribute, sell, decompile, disassemble the software application.
All information, products, descriptions, images, video animations or applications contained in this site are the property of Adaptive Management Software SRL which reserves the right to change the content and / or structure of the website at any time and without prior notice.
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The content of the information refers to the description in a certain degree of detail of the activities, products and services of the software Adaptive Management Software SRL. Therefore our company will not grant any guarantee regarding:
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- negatively affecting other systems by using the site;
Therefore, Adaptive Management Software SRL cannot be responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by using the site
All the information presented on the site regarding the Paradigma Suite brand products, - prices, information, campaigns and marketing promotions, technical aspects, are presented for information purposes. Nothing in the content of the website can constitute a firm offer associated with a contract and cannot engage the responsibility of Adaptive Management Software SRL in the absence of subsequent agreements.
Adaptive Management Software SRL through does not make any statement, promise or guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of its content, guidance and advice, does not assume any obligation of result or diligence to no person, expressly excludes and disclaims liability for any costs, losses or damages suffered as a result of the judicious use or not of the content expressed in the pages
The objective of the website content is to transmit updated and accurate information about the products of Adaptive Management Software SRL through
Adaptive Management Software SRL cannot guarantee that the pages of this website do not contain errors, but it assures you that it will make all the necessary diligences to offer you correct information and to correct any errors.
Anyone wishing to purchase one of the services or products presented on the website is asked to contact Adaptive Management Software SRL through one of the communication channels displayed on the Contact page of the site, on the general pages or through the various contact sections in order to be informed both of the availability of the services and software products but also to obtain informations regarding contractual conditions, pricing, technical support, implementation assistance or implementation requirements.
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The nature of the information requested refers in particular to personal data (name, company, telephone numbers, e-mail address, contacts, etc.). The way in which the products and / or services of Adaptive Management Software SRL are used or intended to be used will be strictly related to the needs of users, in the interest and with the agreement thereof and may include requesting additional information only in the context in which they are in use. closely related to the use of the requested services and/or products.
In order to better meet the needs, expectations and questions of the website's users, the information requested through this website will be subject to electronic storage and processing. The use of this information is defined in the Privacy Policy section and in the Cookies section.
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